What To Expect
Welcome to all who come to worship with us! Our service can be described as mostly traditional in style. A typical service includes hymns and choruses and features choir and praise band. Some people dress up for services; others are casual. A nursery is available for infants and toddlers. School-aged children worship with their parents in the sanctuary, and the service includes a children's sermon.
Visitors are invited to join our fellowship coffee following Sunday services, or our monthly luncheon which substitutes for coffee. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month. All who trust in Jesus Christ are invited to share at His table. Please feel free to pick up a brochure at the door or speak to the pastor or a member for more information.

This Month's Sermons
Sunday worship is currently taking place both in-person and via Zoom! Masks are optional for all gatherings in church. Please be considerate of the choices of others.
Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Zoom info below is for Sunday morning worship only.
Join online: FPCW Zoom
Meeting ID: 837 8240 9534
Password: 973748
Dial in: 1-312-626-6799
March 2
Communion Sunday
"More Discipleship Dimensions"
Luke 9:18-26
March 9
The Alongsider (Samaritan Parable)
Luke 10:25-37
March 16
"Not My
Favorite Parable"
Luke 13:1-8
March 23
Rev Robert Williams
Guest Preacher
March 30
"Not to Be Forgotten"
Luke 16:19-31
Online Worship
First Presbyterian Church Waukegan

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025